Hi, I'm Polly

I support busy, hardworking people who deep down know there's more to life.


I'll help you unleash unshakeable confidence, find inner calm, and reignite the sparkle of joy and fulfilment within you.


Ready to break free from living on autopilot and craft a life you truly adore?

Here's how we can work together to help you live a life of purpose, freedom and joy...

Lay The Foundations For A Positive Perimenopause Experience

Want to learn more about how you can support yourself during perimenopause.  This self guided course will equip you with the knowledge, tools, and strategies to optimise your health and well-being during perimenopause. 

Turn Stress To Calm, Overwhelm to Balance, Fatigue To Energy

An online sanctuary where you can step away from the chaos of your everyday life and reconnect with your body, your breath and the present moment. 

Step into the Radiant, Confident Woman You Are Meant to Be

Are you ready to shed the layers of self-doubt, uncertainty and overwhelm and embrace the radiant, confident woman you were created to be? It’s time to unlock your true potential and achieve the extraordinary.

Rediscover your love for life 

When I first got in touch with Polly, I was feeling quite at a loss. I was constantly tired, lacking in direction, unsure of what to do next or what to look forward to.

In our first session I just cried my way through it.  I remember Polly saying to me to envisage myself as that healthy, energised woman that I wanted to be by the end of the 12 weeks, but I didn’t at that point believe I would get there, maybe just a bit closer.

I did all that Polly suggested, though she approached it in manageable chunks I could handle. Within 4 weeks my hair stopped falling out. Everything has turned around and the change I have noticed in myself is the drive I needed. I have felt able now to make big life decisions and felt so much more positive about the future.

Polly has helped me reframe things I have had life long blocks about in many different areas in my life and approach them in a healthy way. I have told everyone I know about her.

- Claire F


I can't thank you enough for the last 12 weeks, the transformation I feel has been incredible. I feel quite emotional to think how far I have come.

I think the most significant change is that I feel lighter, less anxious and excited about the future, so much so that even people around me have noticed a difference.

Looking back over the last couple of years of perimenopause I realise that I had been struggling with depression, anxiety, a loss of purpose and a fear of my children leaving home.

You have helped me so much in alleviating all of these things by first addressing the stress I have been carrying around in my body, by using your amazing tools and adding so many good practices to my daily routine.

I feel able to tackle the road ahead with all the new tools in my tool box, and I feel eternally grateful to you for that. 

-Sarah B


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